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Heather Martin

I love your header piece and am very tempted by this workshop. I love making books and learning new techniques and must work out how much it will cost in pounds sterling.

William Charlebois

These photos are so fascinating! I can't afford to take your class at this time, but I'll watch to see if you offer it again in the future.


Roxanne, thank you for using one of my pages for this : ) I enjoyed this workshop from start to finish . . . snd learned so many things . . . thank you! It was a wonderful experience from start to finish/


Dear Roxanne, Happy New Year. Thanks for posting my journal page on your blog. What and honoured, thank you.
I hope your next workshop goes well. I'm in the preparing my book for a journal. I think of you often and how you inspired me to create the art book - Hugs Nat

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  • The copyright of all photographs, words and art are held by Roxanne Evans-Stout unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced in any manner without permission of the artist.
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