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carmelle Tidd

Hi: I signed up for your Nature Journaling Course..Can't wait to get started....I live in Canada, so can you email me to let me know how much extra I need to pay so that I can receive a copy of your book?


Cheryl Bennett

I just ran across this information. Do you still offer this online class? Is it ongoing throughout the seasons? I am interested but not experienced in drawing and painting.
Thank You.


Is it to late? I need a shot of inspiration and this sounds like the right medicine.


So exiting to start on this class.


Dear Roxann, so I signed up , and am so exited, to see your start very soon! I wonder if I`m one of the first 8 persons ,if so ,what a delight to read your beautiful book!
Hugs from Dorthe


This looks enchanting, and so much fun, there are so much to learn and beautiful art to see,
is this a class,"never ending" or is there a time limit of the year ,or such??
If not I will be a hopeful student Roxanne-
But I know there will not be time enough in my dayes untill we reach next year !!


This will be a wonderful workshop. Your style is so unique and beautiful, Roxanne.

We've been doing some drawing and painting around here too.

Happy Mothers Day!



I wish I could afford to take a class right now. This look so yummy. What lucky students!
Will this be offered for awhile?
Best of luck, Roxanne, and congratulations!

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