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September 04, 2015


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Evergreen Mo

just a magical post. lovely work, that was a really special beach, i bet it had a great sound when walked on.

Susan Rix

Dear Roxanne, Such a beautiful and peaceful post. I love the magic that you have created within your surroundings and art. Thank you for the beauty that you bring into so many lives and so glad I am one of them. Warm hugs to you.


Friendship. Encouragement. Mentoring. Sharing. Laughing. Creating together. More laughing. That's what I think of when I think of YOU! That is way more than magic. I'm so glad that our paths crossed. You are important to me....xoxo...Laura

Mary Ann Lehrer-Plansky

Yet another magical post! Your work, work by other artists and just magical, mystical photos wrapped up for a grand tour...thanks for sharing your summer world!

Donna Watson

I would love to go to that Beach glass beach... and your words and images about MAGIC are wonderful.

jan b.

I've been enjoying the magic of clean, fresh air and the crisp morning nip of autumn's approach. Thanks for such an wondrous workshop/trip. I hope we can do it again!

Sharmon Davidson

What a beautiful post, Roxanne! As always, your photos are works of art in themselves, and full of magic. Your students' work is inspirational; it's clear they had an excellent teacher!


There is always magic at River Garden Studio. And that beach with sea glass for sand...wowza!

caterina giglio

love, love, love, just sighing with all this beauty.. that fills me up! xoxo

Michele R. Unger

Lovely post, Roxanne. There is magic all around us, if we will only look!



just lovely...I have glass from the glass beach...looks incredible as did your entire workshop.


Beautiful post, heartfelt words. I am in awe of a beach full of beach glass, I would have tossed out my clothes and filled my suitcase full!

Magic for me is in the simple things in life, a cleansing breath inhaled and exhaled, shadows, the beauty of nature, the laughter of children, stars hanging in the sky, color crayons, and fuzzy dandy lions...

jill zaheer

Hi Roxanne- You certain have found magic in all of the beautiful photos and words you've written. Please give me the name of the beach with all of that delicate sea glass. I have never seen anything like that- and love the showcasing of all of these artists' work. I too find my magic in nature. Life itself is always magical- by feeling, seeing, or everything we sense! xo Jilly

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