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March 16, 2015


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Donna Watson

Your stencil designs are wonderful... and so are your projects.


These really are gorgeous Roxanne. And it is so very fascinating to see how you arrived at the designs. Thanks for sharing that here.

Mary Ann Lehrer-Plansky

Congratulations Roxanne! These are lovely and reflect so much your artistic vision.
I live near a lagoon and these days it is about counting the egrets stark white against the still brown grasses.
Happy Spring!

Kim Henkel

Beautiful nature inspired stencils Roxanne! and I love seeing what you create with them. How very lovely to live where you see egrets. Nature so inspires me and brings me such calming delight.

Mary C. Nasser

Congratulations, Roxanne!
What wonderful new designs!
I'm really drawn to your new symbols stencils in particular...they remind me of petroglyphs I've studied...there is something both ancient and timeless about them.

Carolyn Dube

I adore your new stencils!

Jan b.

Oh, in previous environments, I've enjoyed the company of Great White Egret as well as the Snowy Egret. But I feel they pale (pun intended?) in comparison to my favorite the Great Blue Heron. I would frequently see them in the last 3 states I lived in and often wondered if they were my animal totem. Here, I've only had a glimpse of them flying overhead ... except for 1 instance. I'll tell you about that later this week ... hopefully! ;D

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