Tapestry Collaging... The Seasons
Just one of the beautiful workshops
I have planned for this year!
I first thought of this title when I did a project for Tracy Verdugo's beautiful book, Paint Mojo. In her book I wrote about seeing a rug in a store that I loved in New York City a few years ago. This rug was stitched together with seemingly unrelated pattterns and colors, yet together it was a rich tapestry and the memory of it inspired the piece I did for Tracy's book and still inspires me today.
The lovely MaryBeth Shaw did an Online Event called Art Techniques for Finding Your Voice with Tracy Verdugo where she talked about and created her own Tapestry Collage inspired by my piece!
I begun thinking of tapestries as I created all my collages, book pages and paintings.
That is just what this workshop is about.
Tapestry Collaging the Seasons...
Registration Is Open!
This workshop will take place at
The Art Department
Salem, Oregon.
Tapestry Collaging... The Seasons is listed on my 2015
Workshop Schedule here.
In Tapestry Collaging the Seasons, we will connect four squares of beautiful Khadi Paper with our own bent, rusty wire rings and eyelits.
Each square will represent
a different season or feeling...
all unique to you,
each connected to the other
but each different.
We will create beautiful backgrounds, paint small landscapes, cut out images, make little books, pockets and stich together small found objects.
Join me and you will re-discover
the magic of creating art
from your heart
with like minded souls,
all the while
using my wonderful stash of art supplies and found
You will go home
with a beautiful book or wall hanging
and be even more inspired in your own art projects.
And you will wish the workshop would last forever!
Please join me at The Art Departement on May 30th!
And read about my last workshop
in the Texas Hill Country here on the most lovely
Hasty Pearl's blog!