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October 01, 2014


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Kim Henkel

Oh what a beautiful sounding workshop - I am sure it was wonderful! One day I do hope to be able to attend an in person workshop with you!


Looking like a workshop around here! All we need are the smiles and laughter that the ladies are bringing...Looking forward. Thanks in advance for sharing your lives with us Roxanne and Leslie...in Texas :) and Boo on Seth!:)Laura

Donna Watson

How wonderful... you are traveling more and teaching more and more... I can tell you love it! best wishes for a great workshop.

Sharmon Davidson

So wish I could be there - I would love to do this! Good luck - I hope everything goes well - I'm sure it will be a great success! xox

leslie M

Awesomel, Roxanne! I can't wait to see you and Laura later this month! xo


Now this is one workshop I would love to go to. Hmmm....maybe you will both do it again in the east?????


I would love to attend, not sure if I can work out the dates though, will send you an email.

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