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December 08, 2013


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Cindy Swainson

Hi Roxanne,
I feel as though I have stopped by for a spot of tea and to catch up on your latest doings. I love your mix of photography and documenting your creative play/process. You have captured this season so well.

Kim Mailhot

December blues can indeed be beautiful, especially when you cultivate them like you do, emmersed in bits of beauty everywhere.
Your class sounds so nourishing for the artist soul. I am not in a position to register for any classes right now but it is definitely on the top of my list.
Sending peace and love your way for this quiet time.

Caterina Giglio

gorgeous work, words and photos... always lovely to stop by your place, have the happiest of holidays!! xoxo


Loving this post Roxanne, especially your window shots. The birdcage and plant seen through the window is my favourite.

Kimberly Jones

As always, your thoughts and images are beautiful and moving Roxanne. I love the way you see the world around you, and the way you capture it with your words and pictures!


Hello again dear Roxanne,-
Your post is amazingly beautiful, with both your art, the nature photoes, and your thoughts. I can imagine winter time, will feel a bit lonely, but also time to upload,-- after all the happy hours you spend with friends and students all summer.
I so love the page with the house you painted, and the December blues creations...they are all stunning examples of your beautiful art.
Thank you for your loving coment on my blog, ...I send you hugs and love.
Roxanne, can you please e-mail me your adress, I just want to send you a card for christmas !!


Your winter blues are breathtaking. I remember growing up in Montana having the winter blues of a different sort. It was always overcast.

Terry is a wonderful artist and friend. Your class sounds wonderful.

Kim Mailhot

December blues are so beautiful in your neck of the woods, Roxanne. I hope your quiet creative time brings you many gifts!
Love and light!

Seth Apter

Such breathtaking images in this post and stellar feedback about your workshop from Terry. Having also taken your 'Thread That Weaves', I can totally agree with his thoughts. Those winter blues are our way of cocooning and in a short while they will be replaced with the excitement of all that 2014 will bring.

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