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March 23, 2013


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Looks Wonderful, all of it.
Except for the snow, :) wink wink.

Hope you have a wonderful, weekend workshop too. And feel full of love.


you filled me up just looking at the images and listening to your journey's! Such inspiration from such a talented group!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth

I enjoyed reading about your trip into NYC. What a fabulous garden center.

But most of all, I enjoyed your eco fabric dyeing. I recently tried the same and it looks like I cooked my cotton bundles in a similar manner, although one of the commenters said she didn't submerge her fabric, but instead steamed it above the water.

It never occurred to me that I could use copper pipe. I used tree branches and old rusty metal to wrap my bundles in. Now I'm going to try eco-dyeing again using copper pipe and wool. Thank you so much for the inspiration and for your visit to my blog.


So nice to see some of what you did (in addition to the workshop) while you were visiting. You 'fantastic four' are quite the creative group. And having seen some of the eco dyed pieces in person, I know first hand just how special they are!


So much inspiration in the one posting! I love the dyeing - it looks like such a witchy poo process!!


I remember those old concrete sinks well. Back in the day when laundry was very much a 'hands on' process, they came in handy for the rinsing part. Old wringer washers were wheeled up to the sink and the clothes and water took their turn going from washing machine to sink through the wringer, back into the rinse water in the sink, etc. The sinks that I've only seen were one large one divided in two. I had one in a house I lived in and pretty much every house had them in the basement. So I bet if you look in old houses you might find one of those sinks (or discarded in a back yard or alley.) I see them periodically...AND the cement support legs that they balanced on. Your post took me through a trip to memory lane. I loved this post by the way. You had fun and I had fun reading about it. Gorgeous inspiration art here. Norma, x


A fantastic tour and meeting with wonderful and special people, Roxanne- I envy you this gorgeous New York tour ( even it is not nice,lol ) and the meeting with Joanna, and every other sweet soul... your gifts are beautiful, and so are the results from your amazing dying!
xo, Dorthe

mary ann

Oh, did you have a wonderful time! The places you have visited and the friends you have made.
I think there is something so magical about painting and dyeing and sewing fabric...for me it has allowed another world to enter my art making.


Wonderful post, I love it all, but that bag that Leslie is doing is outstanding.xoxo


I find it hard to take photos while I am teaching... I often regret it, but in the moment its just not happening! Great stuff... have a good week :)

Judy Shreve

What a wonderful time. Your photos are beautiful. I would love to go to Terrain - wow, but I would want one of everything in that store.


You sound so cheerful!
So glad you had such a good time and have lovely mementos to enjoy at home.
I must go to the garden shop immediately!

I need to learn the eco-dying --such beautiful results.



Oooo the copper paint brushes and gorgeous papers!! It looks like you had a wonderful time, Roxanne.

ro bruhn

What beautiful photos Roxanne. It's always exciting waiting to open the bundles to see what lovely surprises develop. That's a fabulous shop, I could live there.

Joanna Pierotti

now if we could just all be there right now, just for a moment...such wonderful memories. For me, wish it was an every day occurrence. Will always remember our first walk out to the pots, our ceremonial event...lol. I'm still smiling. And lucky you, ya got the beautiful Velvet purse, so deserved. love you - jojo

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