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November 10, 2012


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so wonderful to see your new beautiful works, your fabulous expanded workspace, and great new projects ahead...spreading the best of you to others! brava, bella!

mary ann

Oh Roxanne your photos of November are so beautiful...I like the feeling of silence and yet as you say you are busy with work...all good! Wonderful new projects ahead for you...enjoy your fall!

ro bruhn

What a lovely post Roxanne. Your work examples are delightful, my friend Jacky has thoroughly been enjoying your workshop.


i'm feeling the quiet settle over me; just covering me, it is. i'm smiling about your new work space, and your work... : )


~*~ Patty

always lovely and inspiring to stop by for a visit...
so much to enjoy and think about...
your tool box work space is a great idea too


Hi Roxanne,
Makes me smile to see all the wonderful things you are bringing to you...your art, your classes...the new red work space!


Judy Shreve

I agree with Robyn - you can just feel your contentment and happiness. Husbands building work tables, cats sleeping in baskets, your mind and hands busy with art -- ahhh what a life!


It's not only the images that are soothing but also your obvious contentment with the direction your life is taking. You sound so happy Roxanne and I'm happy to be reading this post.

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