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September 10, 2011


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Cedrick Finly

Great pictures! I like your living room, the furniture looks great. But what I like the most are the displays. They look so steampunk, haha. Your technique in taking pictures behind glass is amazing, too.


WOW, such engaging and magnificent images...XOXOrly


I get a nostalgic feeling from this post...the reflections, the golden light, your shell piece.


Your tumblr site is also so very rich, I haven't kept up with mine or looking at others for inspiration. Once the studio tour is over I will come mining for wonderful images.


Hello Roxanne,
What Angela said I ditto. Always there is a special deep rich golden light that shines through your posts! Really like your encaustic painting you have just completed! It reminds me of a waterfall.
Also, your reflective photographs are beautiful. Your daughter looks pretty and it's an especially interesting touch that your photo is about reflection and she is wearing reflecting sunglasses upon her head.

Thank you for your kind words yesterday, then mean much.


Angela Recada

You have such a wonderful touch with your photos, Roxanne. The warmth of the colors and the composition are always exquisite. So much beauty, inside and out. Thank you for another glimpse into your world.


Here's a litle pat on your shoulder: I wish I was working again. I know you like being home, but if you had to be, maybe not.
Lovely reflections of your life.


...... and there's that exquisite clematis again.... It takes my breath away. Lovely glimpses through windows and glass. I'm picturing the little smiling faces of your second graders and am sure you must be their favoutite teacher.


I can see this is a time of reflection for you Roxanne, as it is for many of us. Thanks for sharing your beautiful images and a small piece of your world.

lyle baxter

lovely photos indoors and out!
sometimes when we "gaze" interesting ideas pop up! we all need to sit back and look sometimes. thank you

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