A four day weekend leaves me plenty of time, for art and writing, for gardening and to think.
What I love about blogging, (at least one of the things), is that the photographs that I take are like a scrapbook or journal of what is happening in my world.
I love that about other peoples blogs too. When I look through your blogs I think: this is what you are seeing right now, this is what you touch and smell, and this is where you live and create.
Like many of you, the seasons play such an important part in my life. Maybe this is because I am a teacher, and often the activities and themes we plan are seasonal. The fall brings a new class and new challenges. And then summer comes and I am free to be my own self and re-connect with my home and my art.
This spring is lush and fragrant.
It began soft and frothy, but now the brighter colors are bursting out more abundantly than ever.
Still the rains come, cloudy days are the norm and blue sky is a rarity.
My husband bought me tons of pansies, and I have begun to plant them, taking my time, relishing the cool dampness of each day.
I asked him if he thought I would ever run out of things to photograph. He said he doubted it. I hope he is right.
I love the way this table looks as a background in my photographs. It doesn't even have to be clean, but being wet with rain really helps.
I've been working on another new journal. I have so many and I love them all, some handmade and some store bought, some little and some big.
One just for stitching in found objects, one filled with just black pages, several for writing and photographs, some filled with sketches and watercolors. They all tell a story of time, my time.
Books are so wonderful to work in. There is that center line, and the challenge of how you put two pages together. And there is watching what happens to your pages after one hour or a few days. And that you can change them even after months have gone by.
A canvas is definitely more permanent to me. You can feel when it is "done". That is when it stops crying out for more...
The colors of spring remind me of my daughter Amanda, so colorful herself, she can light up a room with her smile.
These are gifts she gave me for my birthday a few weeks ago, they are small hand painted books and a dish towel from Anthropologie.
And here are some "words of wisdom" from my heart to you! If you click on the pic, you will be able to read them more clearly. Wishing you a week filled with wonder and delight.