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January 17, 2011


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Hi Roxanne,
I always come here when the house is quiet, usually late at night.
All the better to sit and fully soak up all that you present to us.
I'm never disapointed in the bounty,,,or the quality of the images, art, and words.

Deborah Carr

nice reflections.


You really speak my language of texture and nature. Such beautiful images, words and art. Feel very rich



You always post such beautiful photos. I adore the tiny ornate bottle in the last image.

L Marsh

I feel like I say the same thing every time I come by: Those images! Your words! Well, they always make me catch my breath.



Donna Watson

I love the textures and colors and the thoughts and words behind your work

 jill zaheer

Just beautiful. Though early in the season, i can already feel the eagerness for spring to burst forth! But maybe, it's the energy I feel inside you. Beautiful pictures, elegant feel, and gorgeous story you've told. Smiles abound everywhere!


I love the last two photos!!


Both you and nature create the most beautiful of backgrounds!


I came here specifically looking for feathers

found them

in your beautiful work and surroundings.



this is all so beautiful roxanne... we were looking at water flowing under ice a couple of days ago - it's so amazing, what we see at this time of year. i think these *are* the days when our hearts lie still; growing and evolving in a very quiet way...

love you...


Have you ever written right on a leaf after you affix it? I keep wanting to do that.

those canvases!

caterina giglio

gloriously beautiful work in image and word as always... sigh love coming to your place, Roxane, for a beauty break... xox

Kim Palmer

Love the rusty square...
the texture and contrasts in your pics...
and the words on canvas.
A slice of quiet peaceful joy before the day begins. Lovely Roxanne!


I like the pond piece, with a little hint of summer in the center, blue scrap of color, water and sky. Watching the snow falling today, waiting to go out and shovel once again....


Warm at the core, you Are! Love what you're doing! Very poetic. Top image is almost too Perfect.
a fog is magic, here i am surrounded. tomorrow will be almost 60 and i want summer so. I will refelct on the warmth inside, pond quiet during meditation. Thank you!!!

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  • The copyright of all photographs, words and art are held by Roxanne Evans-Stout unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced in any manner without permission of the artist.
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