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January 23, 2011


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Roxanne, I really got into these photos. I woke up really cold and the heater is barely making a dent. My toes will have to go perch by the vent, with me attached to them.

These colors are so vibrant and you're right--warm! You do such a great work of focusing and showcasing these lovely items.

Thanks for that great photo of you and your mom, too!

anna baker powell

Beautiful shot of you and your mom!


Lots of vibrant, warm colors here. Thanks for cheering me up. It's so cold and ugly here. I needed that.


With the weather here I could use a little warmth. Thanks for these images!

Marilyn G

These sure do warm things up. Lovely colors.


Your post is beautiful, inspiring,rich and warm. Thanks for sharing.


hello . I am loving the vibrant rich colors simply filling this post!


lovely warm colors - they fit you! Love the picture of you with your mom. Hoping you find all the warmth you desire.

Donna Watson

I can certainly use some images that depict warmth and sunniness -- living in dreary, cloudy, cold, gray Pacific NW.

L Marsh

Things are always warm over here, but these photo are especially toasty! I agree with Stephanie: you and your mom do look like sisters!



warming me in my cold but brown world. I can see where the palette for your work comes from, all around you.

I love the photo of you and your mom...you look like sisters!

Kim andersen

I am warmed :)

I may borrow this idea for a post of my own this week .... It is an inspiring exercise during this silvery and chilled season ... I know I will find warmth .... I only need look for it :)


you are warmth, simmering, it seems.

we had a good four inches of snow here, a rare delight, and so the warmth resonates across. Thank you. New energy in mind, as well.


It just so happens that today is a cold day after a hot spell and your post has definitely warmed me up. I associate your blog with warm colours, Roxanne and what glorious photos you've presented today. I LOVE the nesting measuring cups and I find it so interesting to see mother and daughter together since we've just been going through an old basket of photographs and lining up 3 or 4 generations of women..... comparing the likeness.

Cris, Artist in Oregon

Lots of lovely colors. We took a walk a while ago..its late afternoon and lovely out... Its warming up here. :)) You and your Mom looked like Sisters in that photo.


Beautiful warm colors.... I've been noticing more than ever the contrast between the incredible ice-blue and snow-white outside in contrast with my warm textiles and sheepskins in the living room. Tonight it is going down to -20.... BEFORE windchill. Its as if we were in the mid-west. Hasn't been this cold in a while, though its not unheard of. With all the snow and ice and wind, it will be a BRUTAL commute.

Thanks for the warming colors, I'll keep them with me tomorrow as I venture out into a day of 6 degrees!


roxanne, if i were to think of people in terms of color, i'd think of you only as warm colors... the colors that i see here. and speaking of warmth, yesterday it was warm and sunny! i hope it was warm and sunny there too!



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