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April 11, 2010


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Congratulations Roxanne. What a perfect venue for your paintings to hang! The ocher colored walls set off your work perfectly.
Bravo Bella!
On selling 3 paintings and ALSO, your daughter was a love to help you organize your event. A great agent. Thanks for sharing your photos. I do share in your joy!


Kelly M.

What a magical time and your images and narrative help us bloggers "visit" along with you! Congratulations on your show, too. I enjoyed seeing how your displayed your works!

Ann Christine Dennison

Sounds like you have had a wonderful opening to your exhibition ... Congratulations! Three pictures sold, well done you deserve it! It gives me a feeling of vulnerability exhibiting too. Thanks for sharing your opening :-)


What a fabulous event... congratulations on the sales, that is wonderful.

Shirley Ende-Saxe

Hooray! What a wonderful evening for you and your art!


Hi Roxanne,
What an event. Your work looks fabulous on the walls, and the people, venue, energy reflected in these photos, equally beautiful!
A day to remember - so happy for you!


Oh Roxanne! What a beautiful place for your beautiful creations (your family included in all your lovin and giving)!

You must be so proud. Celebrate and dance and don't ever stop.

Blessings (and thanks for your care and support, always).


Congratulations on a successful evening! Here's to countless more!

Leslie M.

Congratulations Roxanne! I'm so happy that things went so well, and I'm not a bit surprised that your work was so well received. It's incredible! And this looks like an ideal place to display it surrounded by your friends and family.

Just wonderful.


Congratulations on such a successful event. The venue looks wonderful and your body of work is prolific and inspiring.

gwen buchanan

What a great time!!! to have everything and everyone come together... a perfect celebration and memory.. Congratulations.. You must have been so pleased... take care

mary ann

Oh, This is magical! Congratulations on a perfect day! Your art is an amazing "fit"... on walls and tables...music, son and daughter and friends...magical Roxanne!

Karin Bartimole

Fantastic Roxanne, what fun!! Congratulations on such a successful exhibition, in every way! Sharing it with your family and friends; the beautiful setting; and a lovely job displaying your work. and how perfectly wonderful that some of your paintings have found new homes!! Wish I could have been there, too :) bravo to you!! xox


Oh, Roxanne, thank you so much for letting us be a part of such a lovely and special day in your life. It all looks so dreamy and relaxing. Congratulations on your two sales, and may more follow. Your photos are always so pretty.
Thanks for this.

Julie Prichard

This is so great, Roxanne...congratulations everything looks amazing!


I was with you in spirit, my Oregon friend.


How FUN! Not like your work? Are you KIDDING? Look at this. It's just a great time and I'm glad you had fun!


Ohhhh, Roxanne,

I am so proud of you - so much work and so many paintings. The walls are perfect for your pallette, too, just like you thought. I'm glad you put your books out, AND that you sold 3 pieces. You're awesome!

Too much wine? The glasses look so small compared to those you have at home. Plus, you must know, there is no "strong" wine, it all has about the same amount of alcohol - the secret is in how muuch we drink - hic :D

TTYS, beautiful sister.


I am sooo proud of you Roxanne!
I have tears in my little eyes!
Lots and lots of Love to you, Cathy


Congratulations and it looked like a fabulous time! I loved seeing your art on the walls too and they matched perfectly.


also wanted to say congratulations ... your artwork looks beyond fantastic!


Really delightful to be able to share in part of your wonderful experience
It looks and sounds so very special and on SO many levels! These kinds of memories add such richness to our days!


What a beautiful venue, it almost transports you away to the hillsides of Tuscany. Congratulations on your sales and the whole wonderful event.


What a wonderful day... it looks like everyone enjoyed the opening and what a family affair (how special for you).
Your art looks amazing hanging on the walls. You must have been so proud and you sold three paintings! Fantastic!
Thanks so much for sharing this special event with those of us who couldnt be there in person.
Soooo happy for you!

Jacky xox


Thanks so much for sharing the opening with us, Roxanne. It looks like it all went off very well and fun was had by all.


I am so happy for you Roxanne. This looks like an exhibit filled with love, joy, and creativity. Congratulations.


i'm still smiling... (and talked out : )

love you...


It looks wonderful.

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