With endings there are new beginnings
A week of remembering
a week of goodbyes
and we are so aware of the cycle of life
to notice the colors, especially the majenta... the green
new beginnings for my sister
the flowering tree
and the mountain to the south
in the chapels reflection
in the views to the west
new beginnings and endings
closure in goodbyes to my father
my children know sadness
but then
and I make a new pages in my journals.
The symbols are from the Sanskrit alphabet
and mean
everything in our world is right
the clouds may be dark
but the grass will grow
the birds have returned
we had a beautiful week with my brother
and I miss him already
as he flies across the ocean to France.
Yes, it is time for a new beginning.
for art
for this land that I love
I say goodbye to the winter
and am awed by the sandhill cranes as they take flight.