A few days ago I drove across the
Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge to see Lynne. The road I took is called State Line Highway... one side of it is in California, the other Oregon... the waters seemed extra blue that day.
We shared art projects, I love these windows in one of her journals, I tried to capture the vibrant colors here for you to see.
I took pictures of Lynne walking on her trail by the creek. She is like a sprite in the forest, so quick and graceful. So sure footed even in flip-flops...
We walked along Rush Creek, which her land follows. This area is still moist and lush. Beauty everywhere, natural and manmade.
"She began to sing"
These are two other pages I loved in one of her linen traveling journals. The browns in the trees are amazing, (click for a closer view).
My heart was singing too, just to be out in nature and away from worries.
You can see more of her work and about our day
We came to "the green shrine tree". This beautiful old tree was hollowed out, I think by lightening, and she found these old tins and glass inside of it....
This is the tree flag she made especially for this day, this tree.
Walking back she showed me a special spot of her creek, where she had hung another flag...
Overlooking this part of the creek she had beautiful beads hanging from the limbs of the pines. She said they were not her best, from her days as a bead maker, and I could have any I wanted... to me they were beautiful... new treasures.
I threaded them on these branches...
And these... oh I love these... I will wear them happily... the longer beads are fish and remind me of the water at rush creek.
This is one of her walls in her studio...
and a corner where she sits in the evenings...
She gave me this beautiful Barely There book that she made. I already started working in it...
The pages I have almost finished... I found that I could easily collage on the pages using matt medium, stamps, and acrylic paint loved the surface... thank you so much Lynne!
New pages in another journal. The pencil sketch on the left is a copy of one that my mother had done of my daughter and I, and the photo's on the left of the three of us, when Amanda was about in the fourth grade. I have been cutting out words out of old paperbacks and making poems out of them.
These pages give me comfort.
Although this summer has had beautiful moments, like my day with Lynn ... it has been hard for me. I still don't have a teaching assignment for September... First, the sadness of losing my art job and now this uncertainty has been driving me crazy!
"before the sun takes leave" and "underneath the sky"
And a second painting for my "branch out" series. You can see my my first
here...(you have to scroll down a bit).
This is called "dance upon the earth."
And finally, a sneak peek at the pages I did for
Jill's book in our collaborative book exchange for
Inner Works... they took me quite a long time to get just "right" and I loved working on them. This beautiful book is on it's way to lovely
Rita right now.
May your midsummer days be filled with soft breezes and clear blue waters.