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July 12, 2008


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Another beautiful journey into your travels- with reflections of the colors, patterns, flavor of your activities and the beautiful places you've visited. Your journal paints and gorgeous flowers are a painting all to themselves!

Shirley Ende-Saxe

Thank you so much, I'm very flattered that you'd pass this award on to me! Sorry I haven't been round to comment lately, circumstances beyond my control!

Very much enjoyed your windows and doorways, I gravitate to portals in photos myself.


such a beautiful post - lovely journal pages and photos!

xox - eb.


I so enjoyed this post; love every single pic... that litle sitting are is so lovely!

Thanks for sharing France with us1


Susan Tuttle

your photographs make me want to hop on the next plane to Paris. My husband and I visited Paris in 2002. It was a trip that I will never forget. I have so many similar photos. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I purchased a speech dictation program for my computer today. I can now blog, e-mail, and type practically anything by just speaking into a microphone. It is such a joy to be able to do these things pain free.

I hope you have a super weekend.



Roxanne! Thank you!! I will get busy with my award passing on soon! In the meantime your trip to France seems to have been MOST DELECTABLY DELICIOUS!

Rhondi Mullins

Hi Roxanne
Your journal pages are all works of art. What a fabulous trip you had! Isn't France a wonderful place to visit?
Rhondi xo


Hi dear Roxanne,
Please come visit for your kudos:)



Very beautiful blog -- lucky you to be in France -- and congrats on the awards. I found you thru "The Altered Page", btw.

Again, a real enjoyment here.

Sharon @ Norah'S

Goodmorning, I'm on a mission today to say, "hi and thank you". I followed you back here and so happy to discover your beautiful blog.


What a beautiful life and beautiful images in your post - thank you for sharing!

Kathleen Botsford

Roxanne, Congratulations on your award. Your blog is so inspiring! Your journals from your holiday in France are fabulous! Thank you for inspiring me to try to draw. I really think you should put your paintings and photos and text together for a book. It would be so beautiful!


oh wow roxanne, just can't believe it! thank you so much for passing the awards on to me... thank you thank you. love your pictures, they totally grasp the atmosphere..


Congrats on your award! And to your recipients! Now let's all jump on a plane and celebrate at Entretemps!
Toute suite!


More wonderful photos and what beautiful journal pages.
Congratulations on your awards they are so well deserved and thank you so much for passing them on to me and my blog, your work is so inspiring.

Debbie W

A feast for the eyes! Thanks again, or should I say Merci, for sharing your journal and trip pictures with us! I really enjoy coming here.


Kudzu Fire

loe the colors in the photos


Gosh this whole post was beautiful with photos and your art work. I can't wait to check out those blogs you awarded, (when I get the time). I will love seeing what is inspiring to you. I really enjoyed this post Roxanne, thanks.

Pattie Mosca

I just arrived via Chantal at SHE WHO FLIES....The photos and journal pages of France make me LONG even more to visit...I will do so thru you at the moment...Fabulous!!
Congrats on the awards...they appear to be well deserved...


I'm so enjoying your French vacation posts!

I've also come here to let you know I've nominated you for a blogging award but see that you've received it already :-) Well, here you go again! (details can be found on my blog)


What an inspirational post, everything is beautiful and that quiche looks so yummy!
Congrats on your well deserved award.


Roxanne, congratulations on your well deserved awards! Your posts are giving me itchy feet. All I want to do is climb onto a plane heading for France!

Thank you for passing the awards on to me. I am honoured that you think my blog deserves them.


Thank you Roxanne! Very special company you put me in!

These photos are so beautiful, the flowers! and the at painted sign...loving it all!



So glad your blog was honored with these awards. Your posts about your trip alone deserve them. The places you visited and your journal look so beautiful. Thanks so much Roxanne for passing the awards on to me and my blog!


Thank you so much, Roxanne! You are so nice! Congratulations to you on receiving these awards. You sooooooo deserve them.

This post of yours is fabulous! The pictures just ooze charm and are absolutely beautiful. I wish I could go there right now. It's just looks so wonderfully inviting!

Thank you again. Have a great weekend!

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