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May 18, 2008


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Rick Rosenshein

Hi Roxanne,
Thank you for visiting my blog. If you did not get a chance to look at my flower photos, I have plenty of pics further into my blog. Your paintings are beautiful. I love the colors that you use. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing your artwork. Rick

gwen Buchanan

Roxanne, love the way you displayed nature in your muffin tin... simply lovely!!!


beautiful photo's and I love your artwork. It's gorgeous.



Pretty garden shots... enjoy Marina's party



First Colors of Spring is wonderful. Soothing colors and that incredible texture!

My Castle in Spain

Love the muffin tin...! even without muffins in it
actually it looks lovely with all these little plants.

and thank you for your sweet comment.
Have a nice day


Ooh I adore your rustic muffin tin plant display, what a great idea. Did you create the image for this blog post? It has fabulous texture and colours.


That is a great display with the muffin tin.! As usual, feels good to visit here, you always have such beautiful images.


p.s. love that song playing right now on your player when I opened the page.


Oh I love, love, love the muffin tin display.

About the banner/ First colors of spring... BEAUTIFUL color and texture. Is it a painting or part of a work?


What beautiful photos. I love the way you've used the muffin tray. All of your photography on your blog is divine.


Gardens are wonderful at this time of year. Have fun in yours :-)

Fine Bessot

Hello Roxane, thank you for your comment. It does not raise problem to send your photo earlier to Miss* Laurence to be published, the main part is to participate and to be in mind of this June 21st.
Where do you go in France, if it is not indiscreet?
In very soon. Fine.


That muffin tin is great and yes, perfect way to display.

Who is it that determined that anything that grows fast and strong and easily is a weed???

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