Yesterday was a blustery cold and windy day. Feeling the spirit of adventure, my fifteen year old son and I drove out to the Miller Island Wildlife Refuge which is almost on the way home, (we live to the west and closer to the mountains). I was determined to see the snow geese and especially wanted to see them fly. I thought the wind might help, as they are usually most active in the morning.
My son is studying birds in biology and photography in high school and seems to have a gift in both areas.
As we approached the island and the shallow water that coated the fields I knew that this was my day. Thousands of these graceful birds surrounded us, mostly on the ground. They looked like white peonies right before they open...
We got out of the car and began walking. Something spooked them, maybe it was us, and all of a sudden they were all air born, flying in circles and waves over our heads, crying out, calling to the sky gods in joy and celebration. I almost danced. Something in the wind, the sound of their wings vibrating and being with my son. This must have gone on for twenty minutes. For me this was an unforgettable moment in time. My son felt it too and said with a broad grin, " Whoa, that was almost biblical, Mom!" These are his photographs, except the one I took of him...