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April 21, 2008


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p.s I was looking at your watercolors, love that grouping of birds...yeah for the birds...



What a wonderful retreat and I loved your description of it, as visually I felt I was seeing it. Love the image of the rowdy smoking bar, the stairs, the whole "feel" of the place. Gosh wish I could experience something like that!!

And yeah, those glasses, that idea, how great is that.


kathy McCreedy

Hi Roxanne... thank you for YOUR kind comments you left on my site, I really appreciate it! Sounds like your weekend retreat was a great experience, and we should all be so lucky to have a girlfriend we can share these sorts of events with! Hey, hang in there... it went from snow to 70 degrees in one week, here in Michigan... it'll happen for you, too! Thank God, Spring arrived here not a minute too soon... take care and have a great day!

Toni Brown

I first "met" magnolias at Balboa Park in San Diego. Enormous stunning trees filled with them. Addictively beautiful. ~~~ I cannot WAIT to see what happens with those glasses!

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